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罗伯特F. 史密斯, Chairman Student Freedom Initiative

A headshot image of 罗伯特F. 史密斯 of Vista Equity Partners.

The creation of Student Freedom Initiative, facilitated by 罗伯特F. 史密斯, 最终目标是通过消除个人和家庭财富创造的障碍之一——学生贷款——来解放黑人社区的人类精神.  

“通过解决大学的经济压力,为学生提供资源和社区, 我们终于可以拓宽人才输送渠道,创造一个更加多元化和繁荣的经济,” said founder and Chairman of Student Freedom Initiative, 罗伯特F. 史密斯 as HBCUs announced their participation in November 2020. 

美国.S. 在过去的20年里,由于种族主义和工资收入领域的不平等,经济已经损失了16万亿美元, 教育, housing and investment, according to a 2020 study by Citigroup. 史密斯称这种经济差距是一种人权危机,长期以来压抑了美国黑人的天赋和潜力. 学生自由倡议目前的项目旨在纠正这些历史性和系统性的不平等,同时建立一个可扩展的平台,投资于未来的黑人领导. 

史密斯, 谁被评为2017年福布斯100位最伟大的商业头脑之一, 两年后,在莫尔豪斯学院毕业典礼上登上了国际头条. 史密斯, the Morehouse honoree and commencement speaker in 2019, 向大约400名新毕业生宣布,他已经偿还了他们的学生贷款.  

The payment of over $34 million in student debt was complex, and it inspired 史密斯 to examine the system itself. Together with HBCU leadership and financial experts, the idea of Student Freedom Initiative took shape. 它于2020年秋季推出,包括学生支持服务, 指导和实习以及项目的财务部分, to provide students of color with resources they, as traditionally underrepresented students, 可能缺乏. 

继第二基金基金会(Fund II Foundation)为启动该非营利组织提供的5000万美元赠款之后,史密斯个人出资5000万美元支持“学生自由倡议”的启动. The mission of Fund II Foundation, 史密斯担任一个授予组织的创始董事和总裁, is to support 教育, history and environmental initiatives. Over the last year, 其他个人和组织也挺身而出,用财政和其他资源支持学生自由倡议.    

史密斯’s Background

与金融行业的绝大多数商业领袖不同,史密斯也是一名工程师. His bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Cornell University 作为一名工程师,成功的职业生涯为他最终创办自己的公司提供了优势. 作为一名工程师,史密斯学会了创造STEM技能和“优雅的解决方案”, are highly translatable to any industry.  

Insatiably curious, 史密斯 took a calculated mid-career risk, leaving the field of engineering and his position at Kraft Foods. He earned his MBA at Columbia Business School 1994年在哥伦比亚大学毕业,并加入了高盛投资银行. 史密斯在他的职位上茁壮成长,这把他带到了旧金山和硅谷,致力于与苹果和IBM等公司达成交易.  

史密斯 founded Vista Equity Partners, the company he leads as Chairman and CEO, in 2000. Due to his knowledge of computer programming gained as an engineer, 史密斯 was one of the first investors 看到技术行业的增长潜力,软件开发,而不是硬件. Vista从一开始就专注于企业软件和技术领域. The company is now a global leader with five U.S. offices including a headquarters in Austin, Texas.  

Philanthropic 历史 and Honors

Philanthropist and thought leader 罗伯特F. 史密斯 is a second-generation college graduate, who was brought up in Denver, 科罗拉多州, by parents who were invested in his future. 史密斯的父母都从事教育工作,并获得了该领域的博士学位. 他的母亲, like many HBCU graduates, 每月向联合国儿童基金会捐款,以确保下一代黑人学生能够实现他们接受大学教育的梦想.  

这个家族的历史与他的兄弟会的遗产结合在一起, Alpha Phi Alpha (AΦA), 这加深了史密斯对回馈社区的认识. 史密斯 was inspired 继续民权领袖的使命,比如AΦA兄弟,牧师博士. Martin Luther King. 重要的是, 史密斯 has noted that King’s “I Have a Dream,”的演讲, which was part of the legendary 1963 March on Washington, was called the March for Jobs and Freedom. 

史密斯对慈善事业的奉献是不可磨灭的,因为他在2017年向美国国家基金会做出了承诺 Giving Pledge. 甚至在他的承诺集中在非裔美国人平等和环境保护方面的倡议之前, 史密斯 had been an advocate for social justice. In 2010, 史密斯 was honored to receive the Ripple of Hope Award from 罗伯特F. Kennedy Human Rights 

In his personal mission to liberate the human spirit, 史密斯 has made a focus on 教育 as a tool of uplift. 为了结束教育和实习方面的不平等,史密斯支持了以下组织:  

  • Cornell’s 罗伯特Frederick 史密斯 Tech Scholars  
  • DonorsChoose 
  • Fund II Foundation UNCF STEM Scholars Program
  • Goalsetter
  • internX 
  • Ron Brown Scholarship Program 
  • Student Freedom Initiative  
  • The 罗伯特F. 美国非裔美国人历史和文化博物馆的史密斯实习项目 
  • The Sphinx Organization 
  • 美国NCF Sylvia M. Young 史密斯 Scholarship 

每个被解放出来追求自己道路的学生都在创造一个提升的网络,这将影响整个社区. 拥有平等的成功机会是所有美国人迈向更美好未来的第一步. 

 A selection of 史密斯’s recognitions include: 

  • Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy  
  • UNCF President’s Award  
  • Texas Business Hall of Fame 2019 Inductee 
  • Harvard’s W.E.B. Du Bois Award 
  • Morehouse Candle Award in Business and Philanthropy 
  • SEO’s Reginald F. Lewis Achievement Award 

史密斯’s unique contributions to the worlds of business and philanthropy, he was included in TIME100 Most Influential People of 2020. 同年,史密斯入选《大阳城集团99aa》100位最伟大的商业头脑. 史密斯是Cornell Engineering College Council的成员,也是Columbia Business School的监事会成员. 自2016年以来,史密斯有幸担任卡内基音乐厅主席.  

 访问 Student Freedom Initiative to find out more about the program.